"Mamai has passed" from the cycle of Muravyov's works "Moscow words"
"The bells are cast" from Muravyov's cycle of works "Moscow Words"
The "Long box" from the cycle of Muravyov's works "Moscow words"
"Moscow does not believe in tears" is a composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
"Take a roll" is a composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
"Loafer" is a composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
"Shemyakin court" from the cycle of Moscow words
"Dog's joy" from the cycle of Moscow words
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
" Moscow is behind us!" from the cycle of Moscow words
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry Book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST author Valentina Degteva
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"ЗОЛУШКА" Е.Шварц изд. ЛАБИРИНТ (обложка)
"Legends of Robin Hood" ed. AST
"Legends of Robin Hood" ed. AST
"Puss in Boots" by Sh. Pero for Kadimah publishing house
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"Legends of Robin Hood" ed. AST
Чудесное путешествие в Чудинию
Эскиз к мультфильму Тайна Сухаревой башни
И. Копытов "Тиранозавр ДЫНЯ"
"Shemyakin court" from the cycle of Moscow words

11. Shemyakin court.
The expression "Shemyakin court", in the sense of "an unfair, passionate, deceitful court with a frankly deliberate verdict in favor of not the right, but the side that gave a big bribe", has existed in the Russian language for more than six centuries. The saying owes its origin to Dmitry Donskoy's grandson Dmitry Yuryevich (1420-1453), who had the nickname Shemyak and fought for the Moscow Grand ducal throne with his cousin Vasily for more than twenty years. This struggle, which eventually ended with the defeat of Shemyaka, represented an endless series of reconciliations with Vasily, then military attacks on his lands. In all of Shemyaka's actions, the main features of his character were manifested: greed, cruelty and treachery. He robbed townspeople and peasants, boyars, both his own and others, took away houses, violated laws and his own promises. There were many offended by him, and the princely court — at that time the highest guarantor of justice — turned into a reproach of justice. "From this time," the chronicle says, "in great Russia, every priest was called Shemyakin's court in reproaches."

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8 August 2024, 11:55
Comments 7


8 August 2024, 14:54
Гаврилов Сергейpro
Татьяна Булгакова

Спасибо Татьяна !

8 August 2024, 15:42

Шикарно! А эта книга продается где-нибудь?

9 August 2024, 01:20

Спасибо Марьям! Это не книга, это графика на стенды ко дню города в количестве 30 шт.

9 August 2024, 01:39
Гаврилов Сергей

Очень хочется увидеть все это вживую!!! А где они будут расположены?

9 August 2024, 01:49

Они уже почти год выставляются на бульварах Москвы )

9 August 2024, 09:22

+++!!! Какое счастье, что я могу пройтись по бульварам и посмотреть воочию Ваши иллюстрации!

7 September 2024, 09:06

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