"Mamai has passed" from the cycle of Muravyov's works "Moscow words"
"The bells are cast" from Muravyov's cycle of works "Moscow Words"
The "Long box" from the cycle of Muravyov's works "Moscow words"
"Moscow does not believe in tears" is a composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
"Take a roll" is a composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
"Loafer" is a composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
"Shemyakin court" from the cycle of Moscow words
"Dog's joy" from the cycle of Moscow words
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
" Moscow is behind us!" from the cycle of Moscow words
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry Book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST author Valentina Degteva
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"ЗОЛУШКА" Е.Шварц изд. ЛАБИРИНТ (обложка)
"Legends of Robin Hood" ed. AST
"Legends of Robin Hood" ed. AST
"Puss in Boots" by Sh. Pero for Kadimah publishing house
"The Nutcracker" for ed. Kadimah
"Legends of Robin Hood" ed. AST
Чудесное путешествие в Чудинию
Эскиз к мультфильму Тайна Сухаревой башни
И. Копытов "Тиранозавр ДЫНЯ"
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov

All over Ivanovo
The Moscow saying "in all Ivanovskaya" means that the action in question is performed with special dashing, in full force, on a full scale. Its appearance is associated with the famous Ivan the Great bell tower in the Kremlin. Ivan the Great is the popular name of one of the oldest Kremlin churches — the Church of St. John the Ladder "under the bells" (that is, with a bell tower above the church proper). The bell Tower of Ivan the Great is a Moscow landmark and a national shrine. There is a popular belief that as long as Ivan the Great stands, Russia will also stand. The space around Ivan the Great – Ivanovskaya Square - in the XVII century was the center of state institutions, and sometimes they "shouted a cry", that is, they shouted any announcements. Perhaps this is where the expression came from: "shout to the whole Ivanovskaya Square." However, there is another version of the proverb's origin associated with the bells of Ivan the Great. Each bell tower had a set of bells of different sizes and sounds, and such a set was called a "bell surname" (that is, a family). Usually, only a part of the bells were rung, and only in particularly important cases - the whole family name. The Ivanovskaya surname numbered about 40 bells, and when they sounded all together, Muscovites said: "They're calling all over Ivanovskaya."

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Editors choice
12 June 2024, 13:48
Comments 2

Очень классный звонарь!!!

13 June 2024, 15:42

:^)) +++!

15 June 2024, 11:22

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