The "Long box" from the cycle of Muravyov's works "Moscow words"
"Moscow does not believe in tears" is a composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
"Take a roll" is a composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
"Loafer" is a composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
"Shemyakin court" from the cycle of Moscow words
"Dog's joy" from the cycle of Moscow words
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
" Moscow is behind us!" from the cycle of Moscow words
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry Book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST author Valentina Degteva
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"ЗОЛУШКА" Е.Шварц изд. ЛАБИРИНТ (обложка)
"Legends of Robin Hood" ed. AST
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"Puss in Boots" by Sh. Pero for Kadimah publishing house
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"Legends of Robin Hood" ed. AST
Чудесное путешествие в Чудинию
Эскиз к мультфильму Тайна Сухаревой башни
И. Копытов "Тиранозавр ДЫНЯ"
"Dog's joy" from the cycle of Moscow words

28. Dog's joy
This expression was born at the end of the XIX century among the brisk, half-impoverished small artisans and craftsmen of the Moscow region, who could not afford to dine in a tavern, They bought boiled "golie" from a hawker - liver, heart, lung, and other offal. A portion of "minnow" cost a penny or two. The rich, who had 10-15 kopecks, took a ham bone from the shop, from which they could cut off some of the ham left on it. Such a bone was called a "dog's joy" by craftsmen. Later, this name changed to sausage of the lowest grades. However, for the undemanding and often hungry inhabitant of old Zaryadye, such a treat was both desirable and attractive.

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7 August 2024, 11:12
Comments 1

"Это отрава для человеческого желудка. Взрослая девушка, а как ребёнок тащишь в рот всякую гадость." Так Профессор Преображенский говорил Зине о краковской колбасе:)) А вот нынче не дешевая вовсе, эта краковская 😁

8 August 2024, 23:50

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