The "Long box" from the cycle of Muravyov's works "Moscow words"
"Moscow does not believe in tears" is a composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
"Take a roll" is a composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
"Loafer" is a composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
"Shemyakin court" from the cycle of Moscow words
"Dog's joy" from the cycle of Moscow words
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
Composition from the series "Moscow words" based on the work of V.Muravyov
" Moscow is behind us!" from the cycle of Moscow words
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry Book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST author Valentina Degteva
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST
"ЗОЛУШКА" Е.Шварц изд. ЛАБИРИНТ (обложка)
"Legends of Robin Hood" ed. AST
"Legends of Robin Hood" ed. AST
"Puss in Boots" by Sh. Pero for Kadimah publishing house
"The Nutcracker" for ed. Kadimah
"Legends of Robin Hood" ed. AST
Чудесное путешествие в Чудинию
Эскиз к мультфильму Тайна Сухаревой башни
И. Копытов "Тиранозавр ДЫНЯ"
"The Merry book of heroes of Russian fairy tales" ed. AST

Another hero is a Water one . Bug-eyed, freshwater, unpredictable and a bit of a voyeur

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30 September 2023, 10:58
Comments 7

Замечательный, хотя сома жалко.)))

30 September 2023, 14:36

Тело, погруженное в жидкость, уменьшается в весе пропорционально весу вытесненной жидкости! :) Так что не очень тяжело, нормально !

30 September 2023, 15:04
Ksenia Kalinich
Гаврилов Сергей

Ну тогда слава Богу, мне полегчало. Могу спать спокойно!))))

30 September 2023, 20:56

Чудесный и сам персонаж, и окружение, и характер прекрасно раскрывается через надписи. Посмеялась😄

1 October 2023, 00:44

Какой он Душка-милашка!!!

1 October 2023, 13:58

Мушшина в самом соку))) +++

2 October 2023, 13:20

Я в восторге от вашей иллюстрации! Все персонажи шикарны от водяного на соме и людей на пляже, до лягушаток с рыбешкой!🔥

2 October 2023, 15:48

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