A girl with a goose.
Что-то пошло не так...
Иллюстрация для книги "Матерные основы логики для гопников, хипстеров и журналистеров"
Иллюстрация для книги "Матерные основы логики для гопников, хипстеров и журналистеров"
Иллюстрация для книги "Ralphie Moss's Garden"
Иллюстрация для книги "Ralphie Moss's Garden"
Иллюстрация для книги "Ralphie Moss's Garden"
Kind February
New acquaintance
Mishanya and the bird Lentchevich are decorating the Christmas tree
Illustration for book "QUACK ALONG with ZACK, MACK, and JACK"
Цифра 4.
Цифра 2
Цифра 1
Иллюстрация для книги "Quack along with ZACK, MACK, and JACK"
В лесу светлячков
Иллюстрация для книги "Wait a minute"
Educational illustration for the poem by P. Sinyavsky "And I have diligence"
Fairy tale on New Year's Eve
Иллюстрация для книги "Quack along with Zack, Mack, and Jack "
Illustration for the book "The dragon searches for a new home"
Title page illustration for the "The love book"
Illustration for the book "It won't be long"
Illustration for the book "Oh! Little Fairy!"
Illustration for the book "Oh! Little Fairy!"
Illustration for the book "Dragon's Bridge"
Illustration for "The love book"
Are these all ours?
Illustration for the book "Dragon's Bridge"
Fanart Wednesday
Morning on the pond.
Цифра 3
Best of day
Golden illustration
Editors choice
28 December 2023, 14:11
Comments 4

Милейшая иллюстрация 😍

28 December 2023, 15:23

спасибо большое :)

28 December 2023, 15:44

Даёшь оливье! :)

31 December 2023, 05:35

Ахах, крутой какой, это я в новый год😁💕

24 May 2024, 21:27

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