You'll show up at the door
Scarlet flower
Red Hat
One Thousand and One Nights
Adventures on the shores of Ontario
Flowers for the hostess
Abandoned house
Boats Lake Bled
Сказка о тройке
Я вернусь!
Devils on the left, devils on the right...
Arrest of the duelist
The Watchman
The Theory of Falling
Angels and Demons
Горящий павиан
Рэй Брэдбери. Давайте все убьем Констанцию
красный рояль
Neil Gaiman. American Gods. 03
Анархия - мать порядка
You'll show up at the door

There'll be no one in the house
Save for twilight. All alone,
Winter's day seen in the space that's
Made by curtains left undrawn.

Only flash-past of the wet white
Snowflake clusters, glimpsed and gone.
Only roofs and snows, and save for
Roofs and snow — no one at home.

Once more, frost will trace its patterns,
I'll be haunted once again
By my last-year's melancholy,
By that other wintertime.

Once more I'll be troubled by an
Old, unexpiated shame,
And the icy firewood femine
Will press on the window-pane.

But the quiver of intrusion
Through those curtain folds will run
Measuring silence with your footsteps,
Like the future, in you'll come.

You'll appear there in the doorway
Wearing something white and plain,
Something in the very stuff from
Which the snowflakes too are sewn.

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Editors choice
10 October 2023, 00:01
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