Arriving at the bank of the stream, they saw some large grasshopper jumping near the very water, as if he wanted to rush into the stream. They ran closer and recognized the dwarf they had recently seen in the forest.
- What's wrong with you? asked Krasnozorka. “Do you think you are going to jump into the water?”
"I'm not that stupid!" the dwarf shouted back. "Can't you see for yourself that it's the damned fish that's pulling me along with it?"
It turned out that the dwarf was sitting on the shore and was fishing. Unfortunately, the wind took it into his head to play with his long beard and wound it around the fishing line. And then, as if on purpose, a big fish pecked. The poor fellow did not have the strength to pull her ashore. The fish overpowered the angler and pulled him into the water.
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Snow-White and Rose-Red
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12 April 2023, 11:40
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А гранату девчата дома забыли? :) На Онеге, говорят, бывает щука утаскивает из лодки незадачливого рыбака на дно. Зацепила иллюстрация -начал истории рассказывать :) +++
Хочу на Онегу! Саша)))
Дзякуй Наташа за крыжыкі!