Книжная иллюстрация для альтернативной обложки комикса "Профессия:ведьма"
Детская иллюстрация. Море.
Детская иллюстрация Саванна.
Space romantic
characters in Olga Gromyko's book
characters of Olga Gromyko's book
Workspace of Illustrator
Схема взаимодействия личинок миноги с компонентами речных экосистем
Christmas at Hogwarts
Harry Potter fanart
New Year with family
What's in my bag
Pippi Longstocking
On seashore far a green oak towers...
Running girl
Illustration for baby juice packaging
Illustration for baby juice packaging
Illustration for baby juice packaging
Happy Haloween!
Hocus-Pocus fanart
Curious bear
Development of a brand character for eSHa
Character concept for Artcosmosschool
Summer in Karelia
Magic Autumn
Cozy autumn
Autumn portrait of a girl
Wedding illustration
characters of Olga Gromyko's book
Stylized portrait
Character concept for Artcosmosschool

The concept of the main brand character for Artcosmosschool (a girl - artist - astronaut), the "communication with the customer" module (a labyrinth planet in which you need to collect certain skills), rewards for completing the module: a golden cup and / or a golden scroll.

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16 October 2022, 21:59
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