In a small town lived a boy named Sasha. One day he decided to go to the old bridge to go fishing. The morning promised to be successful, and he happily gathered his fishing rod and went to the river. Many people said that under the old stone bridge lived a kind monster named Boogs, who always liked to play with fishermen.
When Sasha cast his fishing rod, he had no idea that Boogs was watching him from under the bridge. The monster, grinning, decided to play a joke on the boy. He pulled the rope and in a flash Sasha's hook instead of fish was an old shoe, soiled and with the smell of the river.
Sasha, bewildered, began to pull the rod, and soon the shoe jumped to the shore. At that moment, Boogs climbed out of the water, bursting into laughter. “You think you caught a trophy?” - he asked. Sasha was not frightened, but laughed along with the monster. Together they invented a new game: which one of them would catch the most funny trophies. Thus began their friendship, full of laughter and amazement.
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