Tourist calendar of the city of Vladivostok
Tourist calendar of the city of Vladivostok

The presented calendar is a gastronomic map of the city of Vladivostok. A distinctive feature of this calendar is its unique design, designed in the style of Japanese minimalism. Each illustration connects one significant place of the city with one dish. The calendar becomes a source of inspiration for visiting interesting places and awakens the desire to taste local delicacies. Digital graphic elements and typographic solutions were used in the illustrations of the pages. The language of forms and counterforms was used in the development of compositions. In addition, repetitive illustrations such as chopsticks and wavy lines were applied throughout the project. They serve to emphasize the general mood of the story and create a unified style. The calendar also has the advantage of unique souvenirs. It helps to spread Japanese culture among consumers.

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12 February 2024, 19:19
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