Рыбалка в лесу.  Детская книжная иллюстрация.
Looking for a home
Sophie the fox's life
Sophie the fox's life
Once upon a time in a city
Sophie the fox's life
The frog
Sophie the fox's life
Зеленый мир, детская иллюстрация для книги.
Маленькое приключение. Вечер, море, друзья
Нахзац для книжки- цветной город
Night in forest. Mia and her friends adventures.Children's book illustration.
Форзац для книжки- Серый город
New friend
The little witch
Big adventure
The little witch

In the illustration there is a little witch with her black cat. This story is about a little girl and her friend, about friendship and adventure.

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8 September 2023, 15:18
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