Cover of the popular novel 'Lolita' written by Russian-American novelist Vladimir Nabokov
Cover of science fiction novel written by H. G. Wells named 'The Invisible Man'
Cover of social science fiction novel by George Orwell named 'Nineteen Eighty-Four'
'The Picture of Dorian Gray' – cover of a philosophical novel written by Oscar Wilde
Breakfast at Tiffany's cover – the nice novella smartly written by Truman Capote
'The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin', is a science fiction novel by Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy
«The Invisible Man» by H. G. Wells. Cover
'The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin', is a science fiction novel by Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Minimalism and conceptualism are my major creative rules till then I am working on book cover. I believe that the book cover has to reflect the main semantics points of the any artwork, its deep core and character, contained of the laconic clarity artistic solution and font graphics.

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26 April 2023, 16:16
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