Site rules

Site rules
All copyrights to this website and its contents belong to the company . Copyrights to individual works, including illustrations or text posts in the "Community" section posted on our website, belong to their authors.

The use, copying of information or works posted on our website is possible only with the permission of the copyright holder. Copyright infringement is illegal and entails civil (material), administrative and criminal liability.

Administration under no circumstances shall its representatives be liable to the participants or any third parties for any indirect, accidental, unintentional damage, including lost profits or damage to honor, dignity or business reputation, caused in connection with the use of the site, the content of the site or other materials to which you or other persons have access with the help of the website.

By accessing the content of our site that, in your opinion, is offensive or unpleasant, your only means of protection against such content will be to stop viewing this information, as well as a complaint from the site administration. However, these actions do not guarantee the removal of this content. If this content clearly appears to us to violate the laws of the Russian Federation or the competent authorities (court, prosecutor's office, copyright holders' claim, etc.) point this out to us, we will immediately remove it.

By creating an account, you agree to all the rules and facts listed above and below.

Internal ethics
Masters and Amateurs

- All new accounts have the status of "Basic" for some time, until the administrator changes the status to "Master".

- The authors on the site are divided into "Masters" and "Amateurs". This was invented not because we are such snobs, but because we are aimed at a specific audience of illustration customers, and it is easier for them to look for an author among professionals.

- Each author can upload 60 works to an amateur account. The "Master" account allows you to upload 250 works to the "Portfolio" section.

- In order to get the status of "Master" on our website, every professional author must have a large positive set of points for his work or have solid professional works in his portfolio. Only after that, the administrator will transfer such an account to the "Master". As well as back from the "Master" to the "Amateur" status, you can return if the work does not meet the declared quality.

​​- Only the "Master" can set up an "Amateur" to get a "Master" account in the Blogs section.

​- We do not discuss that the division of authors into "Masters" and "non-Masters" is a humiliation of honor and dignity. We came up with this website and set the rules ourselves!

General rules

​- Only the moderator decides which status is suitable for a particular author. Any disputes and appeals are not considered by the administration of the resource and may lead to the deletion of the account.

​- The moderator has the right to remove or ban any author, or deprive him of the status of "Master" without explanation. The reason in 90% of cases may be the level of submitted works. The remaining 10% may include the author's behavior on the resource, posting other people's works in his portfolio, profanity, where there was no urgent need for it, advertising or spam, as well as any other unworthy norms of behavior on public resources.

​- If the moderator is not sure of the correctness of the decision, then he can lay out disputable situations to the court of professional authors who will vote on what to do in each case. Controversial situations can arise only if the moderator is unsure of his decision, and not about the complaint sent against the actions of the moderator or other authors.

​- There is a point system for evaluating user activity on the site. You can vote for a blog post or for a work in the author's portfolio. Each positive score received is not just a system for assessing the level of the author's skills and abilities, but also an incentive to be active on the site, since the points make it possible for works, articles, news, entries in a personal blog to appear on the main page of the site. This means that they allow the author to be always in sight for potential customers. It is forbidden to artificially inflate points using virtual accounts and groups of "friends" organized on third-party resources, if the administration detects such violations, the account of such an author will be deleted with all the works that he put on the site.

​- To combat spam and trolling, we prohibit commenting anywhere on the site until the author has scored +25 points for his work.

- The only possible way to get ratings for the rating on the site are the works of the author.

​- The appearance of an entry (Blog post) on the main page of the site is possible only after the entry has scored more than 10 points.

​- The appearance of an illustration on the main page of the site is possible after the site administrator transfers the work to the category of "Editors' Choice" or when 25 votes are reached. We do not have discussions on why someone's work was not included in the "Editors' Choice" and what are the criteria for this choice. We carry out a certain policy and form the core of authors using this section, depending on the conjuncture.

​- The concept of art (painting) and illustration is very often confused. We pay special attention to illustrations and it is the illustrations that come into focus on our website.

​- It is forbidden to publish advertising links, including your portfolio on other sites or spam in any form. It is also prohibited to advertise your account on this site in the "Work" or "Blogs" section.

​- The moderator has the right to delete any post or illustration, if he considers it necessary. Most often this can happen due to the poor quality of the post or illustration.

​- We are all living people and we can make mistakes. Therefore, we do not regulate obscene language, if there were grounds for it. In this regard, communication on the site is controlled by elementary rules of decency. If the statements turn to personal insults, then such an account is banned until a public apology. Incitement of ethnic hatred, obscene language in an offensive form is prohibited.

​- Due to lack of time, we do not control spelling. However, we urge you to express yourself not in slang and without the distortion of the Russian language. Uncontrolled use of punctuation marks is also discouraged. Such comments will be deleted!

​- We do not welcome outright advertising of competing resources on our site. Such attempts will be suppressed, and the authors who will abuse such methods of promotion, without the consent of the administration , will be removed from the site along with all the articles and works they have published.

​- It is forbidden to publish works on religious subjects, pornographic illustrations, works with a high content of aggression, which, even in controversial moments, can somehow offend the feelings of any people, both believers and atheists. Such works will be deleted in order to avoid unnecessary disputes and conflicts. However, each specific case will be considered individually, since such requests can indiscriminately become a mass phenomenon.

​- The site is called , which means illustrators. In this regard, it is forbidden to post works in your account that have little to do with illustration, including wall paintings, paintings, icons, boxes, toys, design in any video, and so on. To do this, sometimes it looks like a “Blog” section, or for similar works we will create a separate thread in the future with the name “Art” or “Design”.

​- Without appeals and clarification of circumstances, an account is banned or deleted, on behalf of which aggressive, rude and purposeful incitement of conflicts on the site proceeds. Any insults to other users, attempts to destabilize the situation in cunning ways (substitution of authors' names, exposure of other people's works, provoking aggression and clarification of relations, posts that do not concern illustrators and illustrations).

​- Phenomena related to the emotional mood of the conflicting parties will be punished by ban or explanatory work.

- Unless otherwise specified in the Additional Terms, the Services and Software are provided "AS IS". To the maximum extent permitted by law, we disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We do not assume any obligations regarding the content within the Services. We also waive any guarantee that (a) the Services and Software will meet your requirements, will be continuously available, uninterrupted, timely, secure and error-free; (b) the results obtained by using the Services or Software will be effective, accurate and reliable; (c) the quality of the Services and Software will meet your expectations; or that (d) any errors or defects in the Software will be eliminated.

- When writing articles in the Community / Blogs section, do not forget that we do not have a social network with your personal account here, so you should not post your illustrations with small postings, it is not interesting to anyone in this section. Write really interesting articles on art topics, it is possible to ask discussion questions or talk about exhibitions or the release of books with your illustrations. The more interesting the content, the better, first of all, for the author. For the rest, less involved for the community of articles, there is an option "personal post", which will be seen exclusively by your subscribers.

- It is forbidden to post illustrations created by neural networks and other applications for creating artificial images using software algorithms, without using the skills of Austrian craftsmanship. Exceptions relate only to the ideological component of the project, which implies the use of such illustrations.


​- In the "Work" section, you can publish exclusively orders to illustrators for free. Posts of a different kind, as well as veiled advertising of their projects or services, calls for contests on third-party resources will be deleted, and the authors' accounts will be deleted or banned.

- The status of "Customer" is automatically assigned to an account that has placed at least one ad in the "Work" section.

- The customer can comment, edit or delete only his post.

- Each ad is moderated before publication, which can take from 1 to 2 days. To bypass moderation and publish a free ad on preferential terms, you can purchase a paid account (temporarily not working).


- In the "Blogs" section, it is allowed to publish posts exclusively of the thematic orientation of the site, namely, to write about illustrations and everything related to it. It is allowed to advertise personal exhibitions (in a reasonable amount) and tell about their printed or published projects, such as books, websites or other materials where author's illustrations were used to a greater extent.

​- Do not confuse the "Community" section on our website with a personal blog on social networks. It is better to make all personal experiences, birthday greetings, including those of our community members, in your personal social pages on Facebook. Your post should be first of all interesting to everyone who visited this site. Be guided by this principle before you write anything in the "Community" section.

​- It is forbidden to post materials that completely copy texts on other resources. Such articles spoil the search results and the rating of our site. That is, the articles must be unique.


Premium account

- Any author can purchase a paid "Premium" status with advanced features for publication on our website. (the corresponding privileges are described in the Premium Account section).



To contact the administrator, you can contact this account


Only users with premium accounts can
send messages to the customer